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2015 WORK

亮暗之間 Light&Dark


Why the baby fox always can't get the light? Sometimes, for one question, there maybe two answers to it. Just change your way of thinking, then try it again, You'll find something new.


The Family Prescription


Pharmacist's son amber, when he catches a cold , he feels the real love of his father gradually, and finally understands the importance of family love.

亮暗之間 Light&Dark

亮暗之間 Light&Dark

2D|Animation 身處暗處的小狐狸,為何總是無法獲得光亮? 很多事一體兩面,遇到瓶頸時不妨換個思維,也許能得到不一樣的體會。 Why the baby fox always can't get the light? Sometimes, for one question, there maybe two answers to it. Just change your way of thinking, then try it again, You'll find something new.

一帖藥方 The Family Prescription

一帖藥方 The Family Prescription

2D|Animation 老中藥師的兒子琥珀,在重感冒時,真切的感受到了父親默默的關愛,並瞭解了親情的重要。 Pharmacist's son amber, when he catches a cold , he feels the real love of his father gradually, and finally understands the importance of family love.

乞禱 The Blessing of Beggar

乞禱 The Blessing of Beggar

2D|Stop motion 乞丐女孩默默因為沒有搶到修女發放的蘋果而瀕臨餓死的困境,絕望之際竟對路邊的老鼠產生食慾,掙扎著是否要吃牠。 Maria, a beggar girl, is almost starving to death because she didn't get any apple from sisters' giving everyday. In deep desperation, she comes an appetite to eat a rat on the roadside. She is struggling to eat it or not.

救郎喔 Kiu lan goo

救郎喔 Kiu lan goo

2D|Animation 貪婪的人因撿到戒指據為己有,因而得到的懲罰是變成怪獸;為了拯救民眾,因此超人必須挺身而出。最終,超人擊敗了怪獸,但那真的是正義嗎?還是有更駭人聽聞的詭計在背後。 Greedy person who picked up the rings themselves, thus resulting punishment into a monster; in order to save people, so Superman must come forward. Eventually, Superman defeated the monster, but it really is justice? There are still more appalling tricks behind.

泡泡 Bubble

泡泡 Bubble

2D|Animation 蜘蛛拋拋搭乘泡泡想去看更廣闊的世界。但在中途泡泡破掉了。因此,他遇到蝴蝶兄和企鵝,在他們的幫助下,蜘蛛拋拋恢復自信,繼續朝向他的旅程,實現他的夢想。 Spider Pao-Pao would like to take bubbles to see the wider world. But in the middle of the way,the bubbles were ruined. Therefore, he met butterflies and penguins, with their help, the spider Pao-Pao restored confidence to continue toward his journey to realize his dream.



2D|Animation 身體殘缺的仁澄變得孤僻。他羨慕健全的狗兒。因此想要傷害牠,而自己也遇到了危機。救了仁澄的狗兒因此受傷,一拐一拐地走向仁澄,而仁澄露出微笑撫摸著狗兒⋯是因為感激?還是另一種個複雜的心態? Boy Ren Cheng had a healthy doggy. However, due to his diabled body, Ren Cheng got lonesome and mind-distorted. He envied the healthy doggy and wanted to hurt it. So Ren Cheng ran into a crisis.The doggy saved Reng Cheng from the danger but got hurt. When the doggy walked lamely to Reng Cheng,he patted the dog with a smile. It is the feeling of gratitude or some other complicated mood?



3D|Animation 一直以來,被困在房間的男孩,靠著能源供應器才能活著。但是,他想離開這裡,搭乘著火車去各地旅行,只是拔掉能源供應器會有風險,男孩會漸漸失去能源與生命,而且在逃離的路上,還有機械警衛的阻擾。男孩該如何抉擇? The boy was trapped in the room all the time,he must use energy supply to keep alive. But he wanted to get out of the place and took the train to travel around. If he unplugged the energy supply ,it will be risky to lose the energy and life gradually.He also encountered the obstruction from the machanicl guards when fleeing on the road. So, what should the boy choose to do?



2D|Animation 藉由惡夢反映經痛,該惡夢顯現女主角日常生活中的壓力來源,如家庭及職場。 而在惡夢結束後,她仍得面對工作及惡夢般的疼痛。 By using the nightmare to reflect the painful menstruation, the nightmare shows the character's pressure from her daily life , such as those from the family and the workplace. After waking up, the woman still has to work and face the pain of the menstruation.

光塵 Asteroid

光塵 Asteroid

2D|Animation 多數人認為,只有作者才是作品的核心,但並非如此。我們認為觀眾才是核心。因為有了眾人們來感受作品、賦予意義,創作者才能像在宇宙中的星塵,受到光亮而反映閃爍出光芒。 Authors' creation of work needs the interpretation from the audience, and their understanding of the author's ideas. Most people believe that it is the Author that matters. But that is not true. We think the audience is the core. The interpretation of the creation from the audience gives the real meaning to the creators and make them shine among the stars like the asteroid in the universe.

定律 Theorem

定律 Theorem

2D|Animation 安傑羅在求學的過程中不斷經歷各式各樣的競爭,父母也都在一旁陪伴喝采;而當他終於抵達終點時,卻發現這不過是另一場競賽的開始。 Angelo was going through a wide variety of competitions in his school life, and his parents were always cheering for him by his side. Finally,he found that it was just the beginning of another race when he reached the finish line.

廢才鴿 SaiGou

廢才鴿 SaiGou

2D|Animation 才鴿因害怕信箱而無法投信,有天他得到一個機會讓他可以去克服這個恐懼。 Saigou feared for mailbox and he couldn't work like postman, one day he got a chance to overcome his fear.

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